Perhaps every minute, just like a sucker.
But then again, P.T.Barnum could be wrong..about suckers and not bloggers.
One thing for sure, Fauzi Baharudin, the blogger, not the sucker, is seldom wrong.
He is one of the top five main-stream media photographers in Kuala Terengganu.
But then again, there are no more than five of such shutterbugs in the city.
He rarely sees things in black and white except when he is in the mood for classic P.Ramlee movies.
He writes his blog at in English, mainly because he does not want his best paparazzo friend Imran Makhzan to be privy to his innermost thoughts.
"My life's an open book," he says but then again, so does his fly, on more than a few occassions.
A friend should say something when noticing someone fly is open... and not just write on his blog...... I'll remember this in the future... when the same situation should arise,...i just stay silent for others to see..... Thank you..thank you...u are far too kind...